[clear by=”15px” id=”” class=””][custom_heading level=”h2″ float=”center” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Affordable Social Media Marketing Services & Packages[/custom_heading][text animation=”transition.slideUpIn” delay=”500″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” id=”” class=””]

VIMSCO provides high level professional social media marketing services to clients around the world. Our packages are competitively priced, and you can opt for a customized plan of services to meet your brand’s marketing needs. Many brands neglect their social media accounts and think that by just having various social media profiles set up, then that is enough to get by. This is a grave mistake that WILL negatively affect your bottom line by leaving valuable leads untapped.


You need a social media marketing specialist like VIMSCO to hone your social media profiles into brand awareness and promotional machines that bolster your business’ lead acquisition and promotional process. We use our skills, experience, and technology to remove the uncertainty from your social media management and advertising efforts, so you can remain focused on running your business.

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[custom_heading level=”h3″ float=”center” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]

Why Choose Our Social Media Management Plans

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[custom_heading level=”h4″ float=”center” icon_type=”svgicon” icon_svg=”stroke-file” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Flexible social media marketing plans[/custom_heading][clear by=”10px” id=”” class=””][custom_heading level=”h4″ float=”center” icon_type=”svgicon” icon_svg=”stroke-world-wide” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]We serve clients in any industry around the world[/custom_heading][clear by=”10px” id=”” class=””][custom_heading level=”h4″ float=”center” icon_type=”svgicon” icon_svg=”stroke-pencil” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Our team of copywriters will create engaging content[/custom_heading][clear by=”10px” id=”” class=””][custom_heading level=”h4″ float=”center” icon_type=”svgicon” icon_svg=”stroke-chart-up” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]You will be kept in the loop with detailed reports[/custom_heading]
[custom_heading level=”h4″ float=”center” icon_type=”svgicon” icon_svg=”stroke-bag” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Our plans are affordable and scalable[/custom_heading][clear by=”10px” id=”” class=””][custom_heading level=”h4″ float=”center” icon_type=”svgicon” icon_svg=”stroke-headset” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Courteous support team with an account manager[/custom_heading][clear by=”10px” id=”” class=””][custom_heading level=”h4″ float=”center” icon_type=”svgicon” icon_svg=”stroke-picture” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Professional graphic designers to make stunning images[/custom_heading][clear by=”10px” id=”” class=””][custom_heading level=”h4″ float=”center” icon_type=”svgicon” icon_svg=”stroke-wrench” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]We will give your brand a successful social make-over[/custom_heading]
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[custom_heading level=”h3″ dima_heading_color=”#ffffff” float=”center” animation=”transition.slideUpIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Why You Need A Social Media Marketing Expert[/custom_heading][text delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” id=”” class=””]

Many companies make the costly mistake of just taking a member of their team and tasking them with making a few posts each week and thinking that is all social media management and marketing is cracked up to be. Think of social media as another channel for customer acquisition and support, just as important as your mailing list, phone contacts, and the leads stored in your CRM system. You not only need to provide your audience with engaging posts

and content but also respond to their questions and comments promptly.


The main reasons why you need social media marketing services are:

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[iconbox align=”center” animation=”transition.slideUpIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” href=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][iconbox_header icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-comments” hover=”icon-box-hover” type=”circle” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_bg=”rgba(255,255,255,0.01)” shadow_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.2)”][iconbox_content delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” title_hover=”false” title=”Engage Your Audience” title_color=”#ffffff”]To grow and keep your social media followers, you need to keep them entertained and informed, which in turn boosts engagement. Engagement includes likes, shares, pins, retweets, etc, each of which positively impacts your brand’s reputation, and brings your audience closer.[/iconbox_content][/iconbox]
[iconbox align=”center” animation=”transition.slideUpIn” delay=”500″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” href=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][iconbox_header icon_type=”svgicon” icon_svg=”stroke-restart” hover=”icon-box-hover” type=”circle” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_bg=”rgba(255,255,255,0.01)” shadow_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.2)”][iconbox_content delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” title_hover=”false” title=”Convert Web Traffic” title_color=”#ffffff”]SEO can be a time and money intensive process. Social Media Advertising can be a cost-effective shortcut to take your brand right to your leads, even before they know your brand exists or that they need your products and services. Ad Retargeting is also a neat tool to increase your RIO.[/iconbox_content][/iconbox]
[iconbox align=”center” animation=”transition.slideUpIn” delay=”700″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” href=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][iconbox_header icon_type=”svgicon” icon_svg=”stroke-megaphone” hover=”icon-box-hover” type=”circle” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_bg=”rgba(255,255,255,0.01)” shadow_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.2)”][iconbox_content delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” title_hover=”false” title=”Build Brand Awareness” title_color=”#ffffff”]A key component of social media marketing services is gaining followers that not only follow your brand but actively engage with your posts. Our strategies not only greatly increase your followers, but we use metrics to ensure your followers are your potential clients and not just random people.[/iconbox_content][/iconbox]
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[button text=”Purchase A Package” type=”” size=”large” shape=”dima-btn-no-rounded” color_class=”” float=”center” lightbox=”” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” href=”#package” title=”” popup_content=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]
[button text=”Get A Quote” type=”” size=”large” shape=”dima-btn-no-rounded” color_class=”” float=”center” lightbox=”” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” href=”#quote” title=”” popup_content=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]
[clear by=”30px” id=”” class=””][custom_heading level=”h3″ float=”center” animation=”transition.slideUpIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Our Social Media Management Services Process[/custom_heading][clear by=”30px” id=”” class=””][date_timeline][date_timeline_item float=”start” date=”1 – Get Assigned An Account Manager” id=”” class=”” style=””]This will be your primary point of contact, and they will need to learn about your business a great deal so they can craft your social media marketing plan and effectively lead their team members when creating content for your post, as well as responding to questions and comments on your behalf. You could consider your Account Manager as an extension of your business.[/date_timeline_item][date_timeline_item float=”end” date=”2 – We Analyze Your Competitors” id=”” class=”” style=””]Before we begin working on your social profiles, our first task will be to check out your competitors and get an idea of the latest trends in your niche. This allows us to always distinguish your brand from the others with unique content, while also taking note of industry trends so we can stay ahead of the curb.[/date_timeline_item][date_timeline_item float=”start” date=”3 – Your Social Media Roadmap Is Developed” id=”” class=”” style=””]After researching your competition and your niche, as well as research your own business, our next step is for your social media marketing manager to create a roadmap for success, which includes creating a profile of your clients, an analysis of your competitors, and a content plan that fits best with your niche. This is the step where we also decide on how we will distribute the monthly advertising budget.[/date_timeline_item][date_timeline_item float=”end” date=”4 – Your Website Is Optimized For Social Media Marketing” id=”” class=”” style=””]If you have a website for your business, it must be optimized to aid in our social media marketing efforts. This including installing Facebook pixels to track your clients and their actions, adding share and like buttons, and even adding social media feeds in some cases. If your website is built using a CMS, then your Account Manager should be able to do all the set up for you.[/date_timeline_item][date_timeline_item float=”start” date=”5 – Organic Social Media Posts Are Made” id=”” class=”” style=””]A week’s work of organic posts will be made and scheduled, and your Account Manager will pass on the drafts to you so you can have an idea of what we have in the pipeline and suggest any edits or alternatives. We always plan posts beforehand so that our posts can align with your weekly goals.[/date_timeline_item][date_timeline_item float=”end” date=”6 – We Create Paid Optimized Social Media Posts” id=”” class=”” style=””]After organic posts are approved, we begin paid ads or boosted posts. We will need your approval for each paid or boosted post, which will be discussed with your Account Manager in your weekly calls, email, or live chat session. Campaigns are split tested when appropriate, and we will use images or videos that will convert.[/date_timeline_item][date_timeline_item float=”start” date=”7 – Progress Of Organic And Paid Campaigns Are Tracked” id=”” class=”” style=””]All posts are tracked as part of our social media marketing services, and we will send you weekly reports so you can keep track of the analytics of your brand. Goals for paid campaigns will be set, so you can see how well your ads and boosted posts are converting.[/date_timeline_item][date_timeline_item float=”end” date=”8 – Your Social Media Reputation Is Managed & Monitored” id=”” class=”” style=””]We keep track of your brand’s social media reputation, so that if there are any poor reviews or bad comments, we notify you immediately, and suggest, as well as aid in the process of resolving the disgruntled customer’s issues if possible. We are one of the few social media marketing companies that also respond to your client’s queries when appropriate, or for more advanced questions pass them along to your staff[/date_timeline_item][/date_timeline]
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[custom_heading level=”h3″ dima_heading_color=”#ffffff” float=”center” animation=”transition.slideUpIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Networks Supported In Our Social Media Marketing Packages[/custom_heading][clear by=”80px” id=”” class=””]
[iconbox boxed=”true” dima_vc_add_shadow=”true” dima_vc_shadow_on_hover=”true” align=”center” animation=”transition.slideUpIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” href=”” id=”” class=”” style=”” dima_vc_border_color=”#ffffff” box_bg=”#000000″][iconbox_header icon_fontawesome=”fab fa-facebook” hover=”none” size=”medium” type=”circle” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” icon_color=”#000000″][iconbox_content delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” title=”Facebook” title_color=”#ffffff”]The most popular social media platform around, Facebook currently has over 2.6 billion users monthly, many of whom actively spend online and follow their favorite brands. It also has powerful targeting tools for ads[/iconbox_content][/iconbox]
[iconbox boxed=”true” dima_vc_add_shadow=”true” dima_vc_shadow_on_hover=”true” align=”center” animation=”transition.slideUpIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” href=”” id=”” class=”” style=”” dima_vc_border_color=”#ffffff” box_bg=”#000000″][iconbox_header icon_fontawesome=”fab fa-twitter-square” hover=”none” size=”medium” type=”circle” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” icon_color=”#000000″][iconbox_content delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” title=”Twitter” title_color=”#ffffff”]Twitter is used by many brands to provide their clients with updates and to reach a part of their audience that might not be on other social media platforms. We can also set up ad campaigns for you on Twitter[/iconbox_content][/iconbox]
[iconbox boxed=”true” dima_vc_add_shadow=”true” dima_vc_shadow_on_hover=”true” align=”center” animation=”transition.slideUpIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” href=”” id=”” class=”” style=”” dima_vc_border_color=”#ffffff” box_bg=”#000000″][iconbox_header icon_fontawesome=”fab fa-instagram” hover=”none” size=”medium” type=”circle” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” icon_color=”#000000″][iconbox_content delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” title=”Instagram” title_color=”#ffffff”]Any social media marketing agency with its client’s best interest at heart will recommend that they engage in Instagram marketing. Instagram users tend to log in daily, and targeted ads will reach its wide audience[/iconbox_content][/iconbox]
[iconbox boxed=”true” dima_vc_add_shadow=”true” dima_vc_shadow_on_hover=”true” align=”center” animation=”transition.slideUpIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” href=”” id=”” class=”” style=”” dima_vc_border_color=”#ffffff” box_bg=”#000000″][iconbox_header icon_fontawesome=”fab fa-pinterest-square” hover=”none” size=”medium” type=”circle” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” icon_color=”#000000″][iconbox_content delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” title=”Pinterest” title_color=”#ffffff”]If you sell goods, or even services such as travel, catering, grooming, landscaping, etc. Pinterest is highly recommended. Their audience of more than 320 million monthly users tends to research potential purchases on this platform[/iconbox_content][/iconbox]
[iconbox boxed=”true” dima_vc_add_shadow=”true” dima_vc_shadow_on_hover=”true” align=”center” animation=”transition.slideUpIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” href=”” id=”” class=”” style=”” dima_vc_border_color=”#ffffff” box_bg=”#000000″][iconbox_header icon_fontawesome=”fab fa-linkedin” hover=”none” size=”medium” type=”circle” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” icon_color=”#000000″][iconbox_content delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” title=”LinkedIn” title_color=”#ffffff”]LinkedIn boasts an audience of business owners and professionals and is ideal for B2B sales. If you plan to market to decision-makers and leads with twice the buying power of other platforms, LinkedIn ads are your best bet.[/iconbox_content][/iconbox]
[iconbox boxed=”true” dima_vc_add_shadow=”true” dima_vc_shadow_on_hover=”true” align=”center” animation=”transition.slideUpIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” href=”” id=”” class=”” style=”” dima_vc_border_color=”#ffffff” box_bg=”#000000″][iconbox_header icon_fontawesome=”fab fa-youtube” hover=”none” size=”medium” type=”circle” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” icon_color=”#000000″][iconbox_content delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” title=”YouTube” title_color=”#ffffff”]YouTube is second only to Google as the largest search engine online. In this day and age, many people forgo watching cable and other media for YouTube, and all ads on the platform go directly to your target audience only[/iconbox_content][/iconbox]
[iconbox boxed=”true” dima_vc_add_shadow=”true” dima_vc_shadow_on_hover=”true” align=”center” animation=”transition.slideUpIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” href=”” id=”” class=”” style=”” dima_vc_border_color=”#ffffff” box_bg=”#000000″][iconbox_header icon_fontawesome=”fab fa-whatsapp” hover=”none” size=”medium” type=”circle” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” icon_color=”#000000″][iconbox_content delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” title=”WhatsApp” title_color=”#ffffff”]WhatsApp is a popular messaging platform, however, WhatsApp Business is a much more powerful version for businesses. You can build your catalog, create a business profile, add contact info, post statuses, etc.[/iconbox_content][/iconbox]
[iconbox boxed=”true” dima_vc_add_shadow=”true” dima_vc_shadow_on_hover=”true” align=”center” animation=”transition.slideUpIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” href=”” id=”” class=”” style=”” dima_vc_border_color=”#ffffff” box_bg=”#000000″][iconbox_header icon_fontawesome=”fab fa-google” hover=”none” size=”medium” type=”circle” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” icon_color=”#000000″][iconbox_content delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” title=”Google My Business” title_color=”#ffffff”]While not a standard social media platform, Google My Business is a powerful free tool that local businesses should be taking advantage of. Make posts/deals & update your Google listings[/iconbox_content][/iconbox]
[iconbox boxed=”true” dima_vc_add_shadow=”true” dima_vc_shadow_on_hover=”true” align=”center” animation=”transition.slideUpIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” href=”” id=”” class=”” style=”” dima_vc_border_color=”#ffffff” box_bg=”#000000″][iconbox_header icon_fontawesome=”fab fa-dribbble” hover=”none” size=”medium” type=”circle” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” icon_color=”#000000″][iconbox_content delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” title=”Others” title_color=”#ffffff”]Many social media platforms target specific niches, such as Houzz for home decorating ideas, Dribbble for designers, All Recipes for recipes, etc. We offer social media marketing services for niche social networks[/iconbox_content][/iconbox]
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[clear by=”20px” id=”” class=””][custom_heading level=”h2″ float=”center” animation=”transition.slideUpIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Browse Our Social Media Marketing Packages[/custom_heading]
[pricing_table_column dima_vc_add_border_btm=”true” currency=”$” interval=”Per Month” title=”1 Network” price=”900″ id=”” class=”” style=””][text delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” id=”” class=””]Price Includes:

$150 monthly ad spend
$750 monthly cost[/text][icon_list id=”” class=”” style=””][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]30 posts per month[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]3 boosted posts[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]5 Custom images for posts[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Social media consultation & strategy session[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Audit of your social media and brand reputation[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Dedicated Account Manager[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Analysis of your competitors’ social media accounts[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Setup with Zoho Social[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]48-hour max customer service response[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Weekly update showing campaign progress[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Profile images redesigned and optimized[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Setup of FAQ, automated responses, away messages, and all available resources[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Access to our weekly scheduled post calendar[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Access to our online storage platform so you can upload images and files with us easily[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Comment and message monitoring[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]We answer questions and comments when possible, or consult your team if needed[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Assistance with honing your sales cycle to help convert social leads[/icon_list_item][/icon_list][button text=”Purchase Now” type=”” color_class=”” lightbox=”” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” href=”https://vimsco.com/social-media-marketing-services/1-network-social-media-management/” title=”” popup_content=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][/pricing_table_column]

[pricing_table_column dima_vc_add_shadow=”true” dima_vc_add_border_btm=”true” featured=”true” currency=”$” interval=”Per Month” id=”” class=”” style=”” title=”2 Networks” price=”1,400″][text delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” id=”” class=””]Price Includes:

$300 monthly ad spend
$1,100 monthly cost[/text][icon_list id=”” class=”” style=””][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]50 posts per month[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]6 boosted posts[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]10 Custom images for posts[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Social media consultation & strategy session[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Audit of your social media and brand reputation[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Dedicated Account Manager[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Analysis of your competitors’ social media accounts[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Setup with Zoho Social[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]48-hour max customer service response[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Weekly update showing campaign progress[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Profile images redesigned and optimized[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Setup of FAQ, automated responses, away messages, and all available resources[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Access to our weekly scheduled post calendar[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Access to our online storage platform so you can upload images and files with us easily[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Comment and message monitoring[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]We answer questions and comments when possible, or consult your team if needed[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Assistance with honing your sales cycle to help convert social leads[/icon_list_item][/icon_list][button text=”Purchase Now” type=”” color_class=”” lightbox=”” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” href=”https://vimsco.com/social-media-marketing-services/2-networks-social-media-management/” title=”” popup_content=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][/pricing_table_column]

[pricing_table_column dima_vc_add_border_btm=”true” currency=”$” interval=”Per Month” title=”3 Networks” price=”1,850″ id=”” class=”” style=””][text delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” id=”” class=””]Price Includes

$450 monthly ad spend
$1,400 monthly cost[/text][icon_list id=”” class=”” style=””][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]75 posts per month[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]9 boosted posts[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]15 Custom images for posts[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Social media consultation & strategy session[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Audit of your social media and brand reputation[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Dedicated Account Manager[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Analysis of your competitors’ social media accounts[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Setup with Zoho Social[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]24-hour max customer service response[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Weekly update showing campaign progress[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Profile images redesigned and optimized[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Setup of FAQ, automated responses, away messages, and all available resources[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Access to our weekly scheduled post calendar[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Access to our online storage platform so you can upload images and files with us easily[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Comment and message monitoring[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]We answer questions and comments when possible, or consult your team if needed[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Assistance with honing your sales cycle to help convert social leads[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item icon_color=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Assistance with setting up contests and giveaways[/icon_list_item][/icon_list][button text=”Purchase Now” type=”” color_class=”” lightbox=”” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” href=”https://vimsco.com/social-media-marketing-services/3-networks-social-media-management/” title=”” popup_content=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][/pricing_table_column]

[dima_spacer screen_all_spacer_size=”0″ screen_xld_resolution=”1600″ screen_xld_spacer_size=”0″ screen_ld_resolution=”1400″ screen_ld_spacer_size=”75″ screen_md_resolution=”1170″ screen_md_spacer_size=”0″ screen_sd_resolution=”969″ screen_sd_spacer_size=”50″ screen_xsd_resolution=”480″ screen_xsd_spacer_size=”48″ id=”” class=””][custom_heading level=”h3″ dima_heading_color=”#ffffff” float=”center” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Need Custom Social Media Management Packages?[/custom_heading][text delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” id=”” class=””]

If you would rather customize a plan for your needs, fill out the form below to get a quote from a leading social media management company

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Cool team of knowledable experts. Will definitely recommend them highly!

[/testimonial][/slick_slide][slick_slide id=”” class=”” style=””][testimonial float=”top-center” text_alignment=”center” image_circle=”true” icon=”false” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” author=”Keron” job=”Construction Company Owner” bg_color=”” icon_color=”” meta_color=”” padding_top_bottom=”” padding_left_right=”” url=”” id=”” class=”” style=”” image=”5931″]

I was highly impressed with the professionalism and dedication shown by the VIMSCO team, and will continue working with them.

[/testimonial][/slick_slide][slick_slide id=”” class=”” style=””][testimonial float=”top-center” text_alignment=”center” image_circle=”true” icon=”false” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” author=”Owner” job=”Majestic Buzz Delights” bg_color=”” icon_color=”” meta_color=”” padding_top_bottom=”” padding_left_right=”” url=”” id=”” class=”” style=”” image=”5932″]

VIMSCO built our logo, website and promotional material, and we could not be happier! We are now selling our products worldwide.


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